MANOEUVRES flight testing

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The final chapter of the MANOEUVRES Clean Sky project: the flight testing


It’s a pleasure to announce the performing of the flight tests of the MANOEUVRES system for the measurement of the blade angles of a helicopter main rotor. The system has been tested on a Leonardo-Finmeccanica AW139 helicopter; several flights with the system installed on the main rotor have been carried out.







The system consists in two video cameras supporting a real-time, stereoscopic vision-based measurement of the angles of pitch, lag and flap of a target installed on the blade root. Recently, a patent application has been filed for this system.





Congratulations to all MANOEUVRES team for the great job done so far, which made possible the successful flight testing of the blade position sensor. The MANOEUVRES project, involving Politecnico di Milano, Università di Roma Tre, Vicoter Snc and Logic Spa, is partially funded by the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking Programme under Grant Agreement N. 620068.

