Vibrations measurements of a PCB producing line

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Authors:   Eng. Potito Cordisco, Senior Project Manager, VicoterEng. Mauro Terraneo, Chief Technical Officer, Vicoter Often vibrations are just the normal effect of an operating machine and if they remain below safe and comfort levels, they should not cause undue concern. … Continua

Measure of the “Silent Eco Wing” effects on a helicopter blade dynamic

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Authors:   Eng. Potito Cordisco, Senior Project Manager, VicoterEng. Mauro Terraneo, Chief Technical Officer, Vicoter Nowadays, one of the main limitations to the intensive use of helicopters over inhabited centres is the large amount of noise they emit during operations. Therefore, … Continua

Collaborazione con Dana Rexroth Transmission System

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Vicoter è lieta di annunciare di aver collaborato con Dana Rexroth nell’analisi vibro-acustica di una pala gommata con trasmissione idro-meccanica (HVT – Hydromechanical Variable Transmission). In particolare, l’attività ha avuto un duplice scopo. Da un lato, la misura degli smorzamenti introdotti dai … Continua
